Residents in Need
Gibbs - 6 yrs old, special needs
Gibbs came to us in July 2021 from a family in Texas after he became paralyzed. We recently had both of his back legs removed since he was suffering incredible amounts of phantom pain and itch in his paralyzed legs, so much so that he nearly chewed his own legs off. Today with only 2 legs, he is happier than ever and wheeling around Old Souls.
Reba - 9 yrs old, hospice
Reba came to us in Jan 2021 from the Humane Society of Central Texas. She has a condition called erosive bacterial polyarthritis that causes her legs to swell and burst, and she has deep pain in her legs that prevent her from walking. Despite any discomfort she has, she greets everyone with a tail wag and a whaling sound beckoning people to come pet her! She is as sweet as can be, and we keep her on a constant dose of antibiotics and pain medication to make sure she is comfortable.
Malala and Sweet P - 7 and 10 yrs old, special needs
Malala came to Old Souls as a tiny baby, very sick and unable to walk. She was diagnosed with a deadly mycoplasma infection. After months of treatment, she pulled through but has never been able to use her back left leg due to the impact of the infection. Soon after Malala was feeling better we took in Sweet P who was unable to use her right front leg for unknown reasons. The two have been inseparable since then! Just a few months ago we took in an entire herd of goats with mycoplasma from Pima Animal Care Center that would have been culled (euthanized) had they not found a home with other mycoplasma positive goats. We now have four more adult female goats, two baby female goats, and four adult male goats that are in foster care!
Earl - 20 yrs old, geriatric
Earl came to us from Pima Animal Care Center after entering the shelter as a stray. His eyesight isn’t great, but his appetite is amazing! He loves all kinds of canned cat food that is covered in gravy, and Gerber baby food. He eats 10-12 times a day, and naps between meals. He also loves sunning himself on the porch and cuddling on the couch. Ahhh, the life!
Olive - 54 yrs old, geriatric and special needs
Olive is a beautiful blind Texas tortoise who started visiting Camp Old Souls for petsitting many years ago. When her parents retired and moved to a cooler climate, we took her in as a permanent resident. Today, she enjoys warm days outside and a comfortable “burrow” inside the cat room at night to keep her safe. She is one of six tortoises that call Old Souls home.
Lou - 4 yrs old
Other than acting like a 1200 pound puppy, there is nothing wrong with Lou. He’s not geriatric, special needs, or hospice. But he was for sale at the Yuma County Fair, and the girl who raised him couldn’t bear the thought of him going to slaughter. So a mutual friend of mine and her mom purchased Lou and returned him to her so she could give him to Old Souls. Not exactly a traditional rescue that we do, but we have never had a steer before so we thought it would be fun. Holy moly he eats a lot and poops a lot! He is unreasonably friendly and playful, and demands attention. Don’t think about visiting Old Souls without stopping by the corral to see Lou and his new friend Charla, a beautiful cow we took in because her mom could no longer afford to feed her. With hay prices skyrocketing from $8 per bale just a few years ago to now $25 per bale and sometimes higher, we completely understand that people cannot afford to feed their animals. But you can help us keep both Lou and Charla happy and healthy by sponsoring their care!