So many ways you can help!
Whether you want to support a specific animal, provide a bucket list dream item, or pay for a medication that may otherwise be out of reach, donate to the Old Souls Feel Good Fund to make dreams come true during the last chapter of an animal’s life!
Join the Old Souls Pack!
Become a Member of the Old Souls Pack by making a monthly donation. It makes a BIG impact on the lives of animals!
Welcome to the new Old Souls Ranchettes Hacienda!
Old Souls is located on a beautiful 5 acre property of wide open desert full of beautiful cactus and amazing wildlife. But the fragile animals at Old Souls need to be protected from all the things that could harm them, including coyotes, bobcats, and javelina that roam freely across the yard. You can help by donating to the Old Souls Safe and Secure Fund that will allow us to securely fence 1.5 acres of land, leaving 3.5 acres for wildlife to continue to roam. Our two livestock guardian dogs, Ama and Eneko, will patrol the 1.5 acres, keeping all of our animals safe!

Did someone say Bucket List????
Do you have ideas for our Bucket List? Send us an email to share your ideas!

Make a donation by check.
Old Souls Animal Rescue
12260 W Ranchettes Dr, Tucson AZ 85743
Who doesn’t love shopping?
Check out our Wishlists for all of the items we need to care for the animals in our rescue!
Tractor Supply does not allow us to add quantities. We need enough hardware cloth, welded wire fencing, and t-posts to each cover a 1200 ft perimeter! We also need 20 hog panels and two 12 ft gates.